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5th September 2024 - Fixture Lists For 2024/2025 Season

All fixture lists are now available:

11th July 2023 - GDA (2010) Player Ranking Points

Links to the latest GDA (2010) player ranking tables can be found below.

12th November 2020 - Guernsey Darts Association To Join The World Darts Federation!

Exciting news! The World Darts Federation (WDF) have confirmed that the Guernsey Darts Association (GDA) are set to become the 73rd WDF Member Country!

WDF President Bill Hatter, and GDA President Caroline La Touche, share their thoughts in this article on the WDF website.


To keep up to date with all darts news and information from across the island, visit the Facebook page using the link below:

Please click here to e-mail me with any suggestions or feedback you have. Alternatively, you can comment on the site or join in with conversations by using the forum link at the top of the page.

Dale Topley

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